Graphs show relationships between data by means of a line, shape, pattern, or series of bars or other symbols for 2 (or more) measures or variables. For example, 2 variables are represented along a pair of axes at right angles. A horizontal (x) axis and a vertical (y) axis intersect at a point called the origin, and are calibrated in the units or categories of the measurement or variable they represent.
Irrespective of the type of graph created, it usually includes:
- graph title (figure name)
- axes – quantitative or nominal (categorical)
- scale, units and categories
- axis titles
- plot area or data region
- encoded data (e.g. dots, bars or lines)
- trend line or other statistical reference
- confidence intervals (if necessary) – lines or shading
- legend
- notes
- citation for data source
- if published online, alternative text for accessibility.
Parts of a graph
This section covers: