A content strategy is a resource to refer to whenever you set out to create, review, update or archive content. The value is in its long-term, consistent use.
To ensure that your content strategy is used by your content team(s), think about how it can be implemented in people’s day-to-day work. This can include developing supporting guidance and practical tools, such as:
- writing guides and stylesheets
- branding and visual guidelines
- ‘cheat sheets’ of content principles to hang in workstations or team rooms
- a description of when to use the content strategy, and how it fits in with other organisational documents, such as communications and business strategies
- flowcharts describing publishing processes
- contact information for key contacts
- readability goals so that content can be tested before publishing
- templates for different content types.
Tip for complex information. For large content development teams or multiple teams, you may wish to develop targeted guidance – for example, for communications, social media, web content, public relations, subject matter experts, designers and policy teams.
Workshops and other professional development also help to ensure everyone is using the content strategy and associated guidance correctly and consistently.